
i-ESG announces ESG service 6 times faster than manual methods

i-ESG attended the Korea-US Startup Summit, held at Pier 17, New York, USA from Tuesday, September 20th to Wednesday the 21st. Insights into their progressive service can be heard in an interview with Leo Thevenet, CEO of Lecafedugeek, in an interview on the subject of the startup.

The services of I-ESG could prevent fatal company flaws

As the importance of ESGs grows day by day and increasingly becomes regulated, some companies have fallen behind in their response to these new standards. The results of this could be detrimental to the survival of companies, like suspension of trading, withdrawal of investments or exclusion of delivery.
With this in mind, i-ESG, a startup specialized in ESG-specific solutions, has created a service that can facilitate the management of these new demands based of artificial intelligence and big data.

The startup began as an in-house venture belonging to a Fortune 500 company, and now uses the experience gained in this field to provide companies with SaaS (software as a service) solutions. The goal is to help companies manage ESG faster and with less difficulty. i-ESG’s technology collects and analyses atypical data from several fields in order to allow ESG management based on objective data.

During this summit, i-ESG introduced an ESG-specific integrated solution for ESG response and management. It helps with ESG diagnosis and disclosure, identifies issues, manages based on AI, and analyses trends. The objective data that the service is based on makes it so that unusual stakeholder requests can be responded to promptly, with add-in services planned to cater to the individual needs of clients in the future.

According to a company spokesperson, the services are realistic as well as intuitive, as was found by interviews with real clients as well as abundant experience in the field. Since the service relies on data it is easily employed without previous instruction and works six times faster than comparable manual methods.

The service is especially attractive to small and medium sized organizations by the reduced cost, which is as much as 95% lower than existing management costs. For this reason, SMEs with influence but problems with ESG response were named as key clients by the spokesperson.
As for the future of i-ESG, the startup hopes to expand globally after collecting a great amount of experience from the Korean market thus far.
