
Mobility Company Ground K Launches 'T-Rise Up'

Tourism transportation platform company Ground K Co., Ltd will present a solution that will advance the business to the next level by reinforcing the digital capabilities of transport operators. Ground-K has recently launched an integrated operation system 'T-Rise Up' for the management of core property of passenger transport companies and accelerated the digitalization of passenger and transport firms, creating an environment for them to provide better services to customers. 

Cloud-based mobility startup - T-Rise

T-Rise Up is a cloud-based mobility property management system for companies and organizations that use vehicles (transport/mobility) with drivers as a service for 'customers' or that need to operate or manage the vehicles. Based on B2B SaaS (Software as a Service), T-Rise Up platform does not require the carrier to purchase separate hardware and install software. Since it can also reduce additional tasks and inefficiency caused by a firm’s internal and external system operation such as hiring IT equipment management experts, customer and account information security, manual management, and training, T-Rise Up ultimately contributes to the reduction of corporate operation and management costs.

The driver-only mobile app of T-Rise Up platform shows the vehicle reservations, real-time dispatching, and operation status in real time and digitalizes the business process of transportation service provider such as customer management, fare status, and settlement. This system is a digital collaboration tool that enables all involved parties such as transport operators, drivers, partners, and customers to share their work non-face-to-face quickly, easily, and organically anytime, anywhere. In addition, companies can also check flight arrival and departure information in real time, so they can quickly and efficiently manage customers’ transportation.

A quick word from Ground K CEO

CEO Dong-won Jang of Ground K said, “T-Rise Up efficiently manages customers, reservations, vehicles, and driver, the assets of transportation operators, through cloud technology, so transportation service providers can offer better services to their customers. With the unified communication channel and digitization of operation tasks, you will no longer have to waste time, can reduce costs, and accurately check all information real time, which will help with quality control and efficient use of resources.

Ground K is a 'tourist transportation platform provider' of mobile services using mobility technology under the motto of 'We design a perfect travel experience', so that companies and shoppers (vehicles including drivers) in the transportation industry can connect with and benefit from each other. Having obtained the Tourism Venture Business Certification from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2019, Ground K was recently selected in the “National Innovative Company 1000” that will lead the innovation of the domestic transportation industry.

Ground K is devoted to connecting businesses and organizations, tourism content and transportation, and providing the best mobility solutions to customers. Its major mobility services include corporate solutions such as employee commute, business trips, VIP protocol; MICE solutions that provide mobile services to speakers, buyers, and visitors; medical tourism and healthcare solutions for domestic and foreign non-emergency medical customers, hotel solutions, airline and airport solutions, etc. 


Leo Thevenet is a technology enthusiast and a devoted fan of the startup world. His journey began after completing his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering in France. However, it was his experience earning a Master's degree in IT from the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, that truly ignited his passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With an insatiable desire to learn and share, Leo brings you the latest updates and insights on the startup scene. His enthusiasm for global innovation knows no bounds, and you'll often find him attending and covering major startup events worldwide. From CES and Web Summit to Slush and beyond, Leo is your go-to source for news and trends in the tech industry. Thanks to a strategic partnership with a government association in South Korea, Leo also delivers exclusive updates on cutting-edge innovations from the region. Stay tuned to Startup World to benefit from Leo's wealth of knowledge and expertise as he continues to explore the ever-evolving landscape of startups and technology.