South Korea

POPCOZ releases Masclip that protects the inside of the mask

POPCOZ, the daily product manufacturing company, launched Masclip that protects the inside of the mask, and is applying for a patent.

Masclip is a mask strap with clips. The strap can be freely adjusted using the aperture, so both children and adults can use it. It comes in various colors, so the consumers can choose the colors according their tastes, coordinating it as a fashion accessory.

A word from POPCOZ CEO

This year, we succeeded in funding 3517% of our goal through Wadiz. Recently, inquiries for bulk purchases from public institutions, schools, and companies are also on the rise. It was released as a one-time item, but the consumer response was so good that we will continue to update the design until COVID pandemic dies down. We plan to expand the global distribution network in the future by promoting Masclip as the Korean brand that participates actively in K-Quarantine.

Kim Seong-min, CEO of POPCOZ

POPCOZ Masclip can be purchased at various shopping malls such as Naver Smart Store, Coupang, and GMarket. The company is planning to start distribution in full force through Nara Market, Venture Nara and School Market this month.


Leo Thevenet is a technology enthusiast and a devoted fan of the startup world. His journey began after completing his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering in France. However, it was his experience earning a Master's degree in IT from the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, that truly ignited his passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With an insatiable desire to learn and share, Leo brings you the latest updates and insights on the startup scene. His enthusiasm for global innovation knows no bounds, and you'll often find him attending and covering major startup events worldwide. From CES and Web Summit to Slush and beyond, Leo is your go-to source for news and trends in the tech industry. Thanks to a strategic partnership with a government association in South Korea, Leo also delivers exclusive updates on cutting-edge innovations from the region. Stay tuned to Startup World to benefit from Leo's wealth of knowledge and expertise as he continues to explore the ever-evolving landscape of startups and technology.