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Weward: Make money by walking

Since the health crisis induced by the coronavirus, the world has faced an increased sedentarization of society . Teleworking, fear of going out, online shopping, are all reasons that push the French to stay at home . Faced with these profound changes in our lifestyles, several actors warn of the many risks engendered by a sedentary lifestyle . This is for example the case of WeWard, a French start-up founded in 2019 , which launched an application which aims to fight against this unhealthy trend …

The background to WeWard: striving for another healthier lifestyle

In 2008, the release of the film Wall-e depicted a dystopia over the future of humans . In addition to the environmental disaster caused by human activities, many scenes showing the physical and social evolution of men had aroused multiple reactions . Sedentary to the point of no longer having to leave their flying chair, these future generations, who had – literally – everything at hand, no longer felt the need to get up.

Human dystopia

Although this specter of our evolution remains taken to the extreme in this film, it nevertheless remains a vector of awareness. This dystopian world is reaching out to us and WeWard has understood it. Indeed, today, by using all the resources at our disposal and under the condition of living in a large city of a developed country, it is possible to no longer have to leave home . Assuming that we can order everything to have it delivered to our home, that the work is done remotely and that our entertainment and social interaction needs are met by entertainment platforms and social networks, it is then totally possible to live in autarky in your private space.

Faced with these dangerous changes in our lifestyles, the start-up WeWard, founded in 2019 by Yves Benchimol, decided to launch its application to reward physical activity and support local shops . Because yes, if a sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for health, it is also for the economy of small businesses . Indeed, they struggle to exist for the benefit of large groups, much more present online and perfectly meeting the needs of a sedentary lifestyle.

Photo Yves Benchimol WeWard Weward: Make money by walking
Yves Benchimol – CEO and Founder of WeWard

Support local commerce and encourage physical activity 

Faced with the growing specter of a sedentary society, the French start-up has therefore decided to act. With its application, WeWard values ​​its members who show common sense . Thus, the start-up of Yves Benchimol rewards its users who practice a physical activity (here walking) and consume in shops or partner places. Every action, whether it’s walking or buying, is rewarded in the form of “  Wards ”, the currency of the application.

Weward Appli Weward: Make money by walking
WeWard app map

Therefore, the fact of walking and consuming becomes rewarding for the user. By taking 1,500 steps, he is rewarded with a Ward. By scanning the receipt from a partner shop or museum, he also earns Wards. This currency can then be converted into euros on the application and transferred to a bank account as soon as their number is sufficient to reach 20 euros. But that’s not all. This virtual money can also be converted into prizes, gift cards or donations to various associations.

On the merchant side, they simply have to register to be listed on the platform . With a free 30-day trial offer and tailor-made offers, stores have every reason to try this solution , which already lists more than 1,000 stores across France. Be careful though, WeWard seeks to promote sport and the good health of its users. Thus, we will not find tobacco or fast food on the map of the application, but businesses that positively participate in the development of an individual.

Weward app walk Make money
WeWard app step tracking

In short, WeWard offers a very simple operating model, which rewards users who know how to use common sense . Yves Benchimol insists in this regard on the virtuous model put in place by his application , where each entity benefits from taking part in the game.

WeWard: Yves Benchimol and his team already looking to the future of the application

If with more than a million downloads, nearly 1000 stores referenced and a shower of positive opinions , the success of WeWard is without appeal, the team of Yves Benchimol is already thinking about the future of the application . The Paris-based start-up, always looking for young talents, especially in mobile marketing, continues to improve its application. Thus, if WeWard is only present for the moment in the 15 largest cities in France, the start-up hopes to quickly cover almost the entire territory . Yves Benchimol and his team are also thinking of exporting their concept abroad by the end of 2021 …

More than a simple application to save money , WeWard presents itself as the Waze of pedestrians . With a growing user base, the start-up supports the development of the local economy and encourages its members to practice regular physical activity . Finally, WeWard advocates a return to a healthier lifestyle, far from the extravagances of overconsumption. A simple way of life… all in all, full of common sense…

To try your hand at WeWard, find their application on iPhone or Android !

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