
Who is the ITS 2022 winner ? (23rd Innovative Technology Show)

If you saw our last article on the ITS show, you already know that we attended the ITS 2022 event and that we saw amazingly innovative Korean startups. Up until now, we didn’t know who will win but we finally got the result, and in this article, we will reveal it to you.

The winner is … JPES! Congratulations to them. As we mentioned in our previous article, the company is working to solve the reliability problem for Strapping Heads. They are doing so by creating a lighter and smaller Strapping Head which is not pneumatic. It is the core unit of steel packaging and bundling equipment, equivalent to the engine of a car, that automatically bands and binds steel products like steel coils and pipes.

If you want to know a little bit more on the company, we invite you to look at the articles presenting the 10 companies participating ITS and there you will see the product that they are developing, plus our opinion, at the time of the event, about the company.

EVERCHEMTECH, which showcased an environmental high-barrier film with higher oxygen barrier properties than existing high-barrier materials and high recyclability, and SHENB, which exhibited medical devices that use high-frequency energy to treat things like ptosis, blemishes, and acne, each won an Excellence Award.

Overall, we are not surprised by this result. It was hard to choose between the 10 startups but at the same time JPES is solving a big problem in the manufacturing world. Once again we want to congratulate them and we hope to them grow in the future.
