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Learn for Failed Startups to Avoid a Mishap in Your Entrepreneurial Career

learning from failed startups

learning from failed startups

Failed Startups lessons

Nine out of 10 startups fail in their first year of business, which is a depressing statistic. Additionally, more than 2/3 of them never give their investors a profit. You may have read about these statistics in your life as an entrepreneur. If you have than learning from failed startups can help you protect your startup from going down that path.

However, the important issue is: Why do so many firms fail to live up to expectations, and what can we take from these unsuccessful startups?

Failure is an abysmal thing no matter what others say about it. However, one thing stands still is that it’s not the end of the world and failure can help you understand the critical mistake that must be avoided in a new attempt to succeed.

Key points while learning from failed startups

Failed startups can be highly vital for you execute a correct business model. With enough money is hand it is important to find target audience and potential customer for startup’s success.

startup failed

This article will reveal those mysteries that have been gathered based on years of analysis of down and fall of startups.

1. Excessive and unnecessary cash burn

Entrepreneurs frequently have the belief that the larger the business’s burn rate, the faster it will expand. However, they sometimes overlook the fact that when a startup is still in its early stages, it is not advisable to spend completely blindly.

In addition, it is not a good idea to avoid spending money where it is needed. Making wise investment selections and measuring ROI are made easier with a targeted cash burn rate. The unpredictable character of the market is both criticized and praised by investors.

Startup failure - cash burnout

A lot of firms with huge promise have failed due to excessive capital burn rates. One of the best instances of such a failure is MonkeyBox. MonkeyBox sent school children lunch boxes that were packed with nutrients.

The business was succeeding and had successfully secured seed money in two rounds. But a high Cash Burn rate caused it to collapse. The majority of MonkeyBox’s funds were used to pay the salaries of its culinary employees, and their quick growth plans also failed since they ran out of funds.

2. Startup Failed as it Lacks Strategy

As an entrepreneur you are solving a real human problem one way or another. However, most of them fail to realize the fact that their idea has to resonate with the masses as they are unaware of a solution presented by the startup world. In fact, in most cases people do not even know that they are facing a problem.

So remember that you should not try to start a business in the dark. Never assume that you can predict how the market will respond, which marketing strategies will be effective, or the appropriate price to offer. Make sure you do your research and develop a plan of action for each phase.

lacks strategy in raising money

In website text and other marketing materials, it’s normal practice to emphasize the qualities and advantages of your product or service. Even while this kind of material clarifies what you do, it utterly misses the target when it comes to effective marketing, or persuading others to believe what you have to say.

The potential customer’s emotions are accessed through storytelling. You’ll notice a lot more sales if your tale connects with them in the correct way.

3. Instantly choose a Partner of your linking

Make sure you choose a company partner or significant shareholder you get along with if you have either. Entrepreneurs frequently compare their experiences to the conflict between two leaders—one who behaved like Hitler and the other who followed the Buddha’s teachings.

Partner Successful Entrepreneurs

The second factor is choosing a company partner you can trust, which is another mistake made by most companies. Everybody is your best buddy in the beginning. People tend to alter as the cash flows in, which might be detrimental to your company. A business partner must be someone you can trust and get along with.

If you are aiming high and want to break big market first hire people and they start friendly phone conversations with big names that help in making more money.

4. Startups Fail – Poor Brand Connotations

Many startups spend the majority of their time and resources in the beginning on marketing. It is tougher to maintain the reputation earned through years of arduous effort though once it starts to get any traction in the market. They may lose all of their sponsors and viewership with just one incorrect tweet.

creating content to build a brand image

Increased sales are the outcome of trust and market networking created by strong brand value. As a result, sustaining a healthy, courteous, and welcoming workplace is essential to maintaining a strong and good online profile. In short customer behavior will be shifted against your brand if it has any wrong connotation. One way forward is to seek first media pack boasted that portray positive feedback to potential customers that will bring great monthly traffic.

5. Move Fast and don’t Fear Failure that

It might be harmful to move slowly if you are a startup. Many founders drive may be diminished, and you may lose advantages over the competitors. Be sure to move quickly without losing focus on the details. Find a working tempo that enables you to make wise choices while consistently driving your firm ahead.

Excel - donot be afraid of failure

It’s frequently possible to achieve greatness by putting oneself in challenging situations. However, this does not always imply that you will succeed in every endeavor you undertake. With the attitude that “if this fails, I’ll just improve myself,” try new things.

6. Be a leader- Lead People

Sure, initially you might have to handle everything as the only proprietor. But as you progress and develop a compelling narrative, share it with others and assemble a group of collaborators who share your goals. You may focus on your “why” and overarching plan by empowering others.

Be a leader- Lead People

You will experience setbacks and make errors as an entrepreneur, but you will also learn from them. Continue striving for greatness and learning from your own and other people’s failures.

7. Business model – Missing any Plan

Experts say that a pre-launch research and targeted surveys are important factor for a business successful execution. However, most entrepreneurs hurry an idea without any business plan.

NO business plan of failed startups

New functional business or startups are too busy in finding new potential customers and lurking for funding round that they do not hold a grip on existing potential users and end up losing things instead of holding them up.


Starting a business is challenging; it is not a pastime. It’s a way of thinking and a behaviour. It has the potential to be both good and bad for you. Learning from failed startups should be on your priority if you want your business to succeed.

It’s not simple, as any successful entrepreneur would attest. But if you want to have this opportunity again of making money, you must unquestionably invest every last cent and minute to make sure that your new business see success. 

Lessons learned from failed and successful startups | Sher Shah Rahim | TEDxDarulaman
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