In a groundbreaking event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Tech Mahindra, in collaboration with the Wall Street Journal Intelligence, unveiled the Tech Adoption Index. This seminal report offers a deep dive into how global companies are navigating the complex terrain of digital transformation.
Unveiling the Tech Adoption Index at WEF 2025
The Tech Adoption Index was launched in a high-profile gathering with key figures like Dr. Anish Shah and Mohit Joshi of Tech Mahindra, alongside Josh Stinchcomb of the Wall Street Journal. This report is the result of extensive research, pulling insights from over 1,000 C-suite executives across various continents and industries, focusing on those with substantial yearly revenues.
Key Insights from the Global Technology Report
According to the report, a staggering 84% of surveyed companies stressed the importance of a diverse technology portfolio for business success. Among the technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and cloud computing were highlighted as pivotal for growth. Additionally, technologies like 5G and IoT are seen as crucial, although challenges remain in their integration and deployment.
Strategic Benefits of the Tech Adoption Index
The Tech Adoption Index isn’t just about understanding current trends but also offers a benchmarking tool hosted on a dedicated website. This allows organizations to compare their tech capabilities against industry standards, aiding in strategic decision-making. Peeyush Dubey, CMO at Tech Mahindra, pointed out that this initiative underscores a commitment to aiding businesses in comprehending their digital journey and making informed choices to future-proof their operations.
This collaboration between Tech Mahindra and Wall Street Journal Intelligence at the World Economic Forum marks a significant step in enhancing global business technology strategies. The Tech Adoption Index serves as a crucial tool for businesses aiming to not only keep pace with but lead in the digital age. This competence in digital maturity equips companies with resilience, foresight, and competitive strength, paving the way for a sustainable and tech-innovative future.
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