
Interview | Henri Tillinac: "The importance of e-reputation for a company"

Because of the coronavirus-induced health crisis, many companies have seen their customer base drastically shrink . Faced with this economic upheaval in the world of work, time is running out. Establishments are required to successfully exit from confinement to hope to continue their activity. In this context, the challenges of e-reputation are reinforced . These include content strategies aimed at communicating strategic information directly to customers via the Web. This is what Henri Tillinac explains to us, with whom we were able to discuss to carry out this Interview. Head of  the content strategy agency Nativiz based in Bordeaux, he explains to us the importance of controlling your e-reputation and communication on the Internet.

E-reputation: A challenge faced with a rapidly changing information model

The confinement will have shown it, the society of 2020 can no longer do without digital . Faced with an increasingly connected world, information dissemination platforms have become essential . However, these platforms are more and more numerous and it is now becoming more and more difficult for a company to manage this communication perfectly on each information channel ... A problem, when we know that "  snacking information  ”is fast becoming a“  standard  ”of communication.


Through this notion of “  information snacking  ”, Henri Tillinac evokes the ability of populations to come and “nibble” on information. This information they find everywhere on the different platforms. Indeed, today, when customers seek information on a brand or a product, they tend to inform themselves as much as possible using the various supports available . Thus, the press articles, the Facebook page, the website and all the other communication platforms become potential showcases for the company.

In addition, “snacking” also implies that users remain very superficial during this information gathering phase. Indeed, today, a company has only a few minutes, if not seconds, to catch the attention of a prospect.

In fact, this new information model forces a company to build a controlled communication ecosystem around its image. Otherwise, a lack of presence on the Internet would become penalizing and generate a negative mental image among customers . Managing corporate e-reputation is therefore a major issue.

Manage the end of the crisis and its brand image for a company

As we have just seen, today, information is collected on all available platforms . Therefore, it is imperative to understand the communication ecosystem revolving around a company as a coherent and interconnected whole . Therefore, as Henri Tillinac makes it clear, the establishment of an effective e-reputation requires in-depth knowledge of the digital universe . It is then necessary to control and direct each information transmitter to always be in control of its image ...

Faced with the coronavirus crisis, many companies do not know how to approach "after Covid-19" . Indeed, they are still waiting, not wanting to take any risk in an already weakened economic ecosystem.

However, in view of the possibilities offered by digital, the director of  Nativiz  explains that the attraction for this field has only increased during the confinement . Amazon for example, the global e-commerce giant, has grown like no other company before it. Thus, companies must seize this opportunity and ride the digital wave which attracts more and more workers every day ...

Obviously, this online presence must be controlled and anticipated ... There is no magic recipe to boost your e-reputation. On the contrary, we must build this e-reputation on solid foundations . This obviously requires an optimized website and a positive presence on the Internet and in the press.

Tools to manage e-reputation

To set up these bases which will constitute the base of the communication ecosystem of the company, the latter must see in the long term. This should therefore not pass a well referenced and optimized website according to a certain "  technological architecture  ". Thus, you have to orient your site around certain keywords . This makes it possible to be visible when a person searches for these occurrences on a search engine.

However, this is not enough and we must add “backlinking” strategies . This practice consists of creating numerous links to a web page from external sites. Widely used in press articles, backlinking strategies are excellent ways to increase the visibility of a web page.

Finally, the quality of the content will be essential for the success of this e-reputation strategy. Indeed, original content will always be favored by search engines . In fact, it is imperative to prepare well the occurrences and the keywords on which a company wishes to stand out. This will then make it possible to orient unusual articles on certain predefined keywords.

Therefore, using all these tools and a presence on social networks, a company must be able to manage its e-reputation effectively . With good visibility, it will appear more often in search engine results. It will then reach a wider audience which will constitute as many potential customers . This is a significant asset that should enable many companies to quickly get out of this floating phase linked to the end of the crisis ...

Photo of Leo


Leo Thevenet is a technology enthusiast and a devoted fan of the startup world. His journey began after completing his Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering in France. However, it was his experience earning a Master's degree in IT from the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, that truly ignited his passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With an insatiable desire to learn and share, Leo brings you the latest updates and insights on the startup scene. His enthusiasm for global innovation knows no bounds, and you'll often find him attending and covering major startup events worldwide. From CES and Web Summit to Slush and beyond, Leo is your go-to source for news and trends in the tech industry. Thanks to a strategic partnership with a government association in South Korea, Leo also delivers exclusive updates on cutting-edge innovations from the region. Stay tuned to Startup World to benefit from Leo's wealth of knowledge and expertise as he continues to explore the ever-evolving landscape of startups and technology.

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