
  • Mar- 2021 -
    16 March
    Newsfood robot Uber spins out delivery robot startup: Serve Robotics

    Uber spins out delivery robot startup: Serve Robotics

    Postmates X, the robotics division of the on-demand delivery startup that Uber acquired last year for $2.65 billion, has officially spun out as an independent company called Serve Robotics. Investors and Funding specifics for Serve Robotics It was reported in January that…

  • Dec- 2020 -
    2 December
    News5 Five companies working on flying cars

    Five companies working on flying cars

    Flying cars, long electrical buildings, and cross bridges sound like the perfect scene for any movie or a movie scene portraying the future. The most intriguing object out of all in these scenarios are flying cars. Some companies and countries claimed…

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