- Apr- 2023 -1 AprilNews
Paint Formulation with Dow’s Digital Platform: DOW™ Paint Vision
Dow launches digital paint formulation platform in Asia. DOW™ Paint Vision simplifies formulation and accelerates innovation.
- Nov- 2020 -28 NovemberNews
Some things to do during lockdowns for free!
This article may look like the typical article with some general notions on what you should do with your time. Well it is, yet this does not mean it can’t inspire you. Lately, I couldn’t help but notice how during…
- 21 NovemberNews
Will there be a new world lockdown and how can startups survive?
As you all know 2020 has been a hard year for the entire population of the world, every country has faced the economic crises and that assuredly caused decrease in the country’s economy because of the shutdown in the businesses…