
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the world of startups and technology. Our News category features daily updates, company highlights, and essential information you need to stay informed about global innovation of the startup world.

  • Dec- 2020 -
    3 December
    By Paper cat house

    [Earth-protecting Entrepreneurship] By Paper to enter the US market with

    ByPaper, which participated in the Overseas Networking and Market Support Project conducted by Gwangmyeong G-Hub, developed and sold the eco-friendly paper cat tower Catssle in 2019, and is focusing on entering the overseas market. By using paper the Cat house…

  • 3 December
    1 2 5 ways startup ecosystem is rapidly recovering in India

    5 ways startup ecosystem is rapidly recovering in India

    As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, a lot of countries have suffered an economic blow through reduced funding and shutting down of business. One of the major countries affected is India, especially due to the fact that the number…

  • 2 December
    5 Five companies working on flying cars

    Five companies working on flying cars

    Flying cars, long electrical buildings, and cross bridges sound like the perfect scene for any movie or a movie scene portraying the future. The most intriguing object out of all in these scenarios are flying cars. Some companies and countries claimed…

  • 1 December
    1 5 Chinese startups that will revolutionize the tech industry

    5 Chinese startups that will revolutionize the tech industry

    China has some of the leading tech startups which are completely overtaking the world by their efficiency and better technology. It clearly shows that China has many revolutionary startups that are used worldwide. In this article, we are going to…

  • Nov- 2020 -
    30 November
    5 Chinese startups on the rise

    5 Chinese unicorns on the rise

    Ever wondered which country is the one with the highest number of unicorns? Second only to the US, China is surely one of the best countries in terms of unicorns. With its massive funding resources and government support, not to…

  • 29 November
    Kakao Pay logo

    Pangyo 2020 – Kakao Pay transaction amount increased by 72%

    A quick word on Kakao Pay. Used by 3,500 people, 3/4 of the economically active people in Korea. Drastic growth to 3Q transaction of 17.9 tril won due to prolonged COVID pandemic. Effort to expand the non-face-to-face investment as a…

  • 29 November
    1 1 5 top technologies of Israel which make it the scale-up nation having more unicorns

    5 top technologies of Israel which make it the scale-up nation having more unicorns

    Although it has been a startup nation for a long, Israel recently became a scale-up nation, making it one of the most prominent business centers in the world. Right now, they have a growing number of unicorns per capita, making…

  • 28 November
    Things you can and should do during lockdowns

    Some things to do during lockdowns for free!

    This article may look like the typical article with some general notions on what you should do with your time. Well it is, yet this does not mean it can’t inspire you. Lately, I couldn’t help but notice how during…

  • 27 November
    6 5 ways VR Market is Booming Around the World

    5 ways VR Market is Booming Around the World

    Virtual reality is becoming the future of technology, entertainment, and media. Basically, in virtual reality, an individual interacts with a 3D simulation. It is an artificial man-made world, but you can feel yourself walking around in it, carrying things, touching…

  • 26 November

    Spreading the Charm of Tourism in Korea blocked by COVID-19 through a Game

    “The only thing that I desire in infinite quantity is the power of a noble culture.” This famous quote by Baekbeom Kim Gu especially resonates in us these days, as South Korea that used to be a shrimp among superpowers.…

  • 25 November
    President Moon South Korea COVID-19 vaccine

    President Moon says COVID-19 treatment drug and vaccine will be made in Korea

    President Moon Jae-in attended the on-site meeting at SK Bioscience located in Pangyo Technovalley in Gyeonggi-do for the development of COVID-19 vaccine. The World Health Organization warned that we could face a bed shortage due to the re-spreading of COVID-19…

  • 24 November
    13 Top 5 startups that have thrived through the toughest times

    Top 5 startups that have thrived through the toughest times

    You might be wondering about the startups that just got started in critical times but have established their businesses in a really good way.  However, there are still some startups that started during tough times but still succeeded. Must be…

  • 23 November
    a Top Virtual Reality Health Projects that will Innovate the Medical Field

    Top Virtual Reality Health Projects that will Innovate the Medical Field

    Amongst the domains where virtual reality is being applied, one of them is in the healthcare sector. In fact, healthcare has benefited from virtual reality the most as of yet. There are a lot of health projects that are being…

  • 22 November
    Skeleton Technologies: the battery of the future

    Skeleton Technologies: the battery of the future?

    You probably already know what graphene is, the material which is making the tech community excited. We ourselves have briefly introduced this material previousely, and as expected it didn’t let us down. For instance, last time we talked about the…

  • 21 November
    ba Will there be a new world lockdown and how can startups survive?

    Will there be a new world lockdown and how can startups survive?

    As you all know 2020 has been a hard year for the entire population of the world, every country has faced the economic crises and that assuredly caused decrease in the country’s economy because of the shutdown in the businesses…

  • 20 November
    Floating Apple store singapore

    A floating Apple store in Singapore

    Apple stores are always a breathtaking place to visit, the appliances, the glow, the atmosphere over there overall is so lightening and neat.  But what if we tell you that Apple tried out a varied approach with its vibrant store…

  • 19 November
    Space X: the historical launch took place

    Space X: the historic launch took place

    It happened! The whole world was waiting for this moment which will be part of history. It is the first time a private comoany actively had a role in sending humans in orbit. Do not miss the description of the…

  • 10 November
    Top 5 Google facts you didn't know

    Top 5 Google facts you didn’t know

    Google is the most used site everyday in the world. We all know what it does but it is a company with crazy ambitions. However, people don’t really know the history of Google? From a different name to unusual company…

  • 9 November
    Artificial Intelligence: what do you know about it?

    Artificial Intelligence: what do you know about it?

    We are flooded everyday with news and updates about artificial intelligence, or AI, and that may lead us to think that we already mastered it. The hollywood movies depict us on the brink of war with our metal-made inventions but…

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