
Browse our Top category to find the most exciting and successful startups making waves in the tech industry. Learn about their innovative solutions, game-changing products, and the impact they’re making on the world.

  • Sep- 2020 -
    20 September
    4 5 latest technological innovations in Japan

    5 latest technological innovations in Japan

    Japan has always left the whole world amazed with its groundbreaking creations. You wouldn’t even realize you required that device before you saw it.  Although Japan keeps bringing on different items now and then these five freshest ones will leave…

  • 16 September
    top 5 italian startups

    Italian startups: top 5 startups in Italy in 2020

    Italy might not have big initial capitals but it certainly doesn’t lack ideas. Here we present 5 interesting startups born in the beautiful peninsula in 2020, ranging from mobility sharing to financial apps. Let's see that top 5 of Italian Startups! Let's have a look at the top Italian startups! Our first pick is “Fast Investment Planner”. This company stems from the idea of several known financial advisers, such as Davide Marciano. It allows client to register by paying a montly subscription, instead of occasional commissions, in order to get once a month a…

  • 5 September
    Shanghai fashion week online 2020

    Top enterprises that embraced change during COVID

    COVID-19 has influenced all businesses, minor or significant. The massive wave of economic downfall affected each of them. Yet, various corporations accepted the change and mended their strategies uniquely to approach their audience.  Top Enterprises which acted fast Let’s get into…

  • 3 September
    top startups of the pandemic

    Top startups that thrived during the Pandemic

    There is no doubt that the coronavirus was a threat to the world’s financial, mental and physical condition. But there were some people who benefitted and found their ray of hope amidst the chaos. Few businesses prospered due to the situation…

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