
Browse our Top category to find the most exciting and successful startups making waves in the tech industry. Learn about their innovative solutions, game-changing products, and the impact they’re making on the world.

  • Nov- 2020 -
    30 November
    5 Chinese startups on the rise

    5 Chinese unicorns on the rise

    Ever wondered which country is the one with the highest number of unicorns? Second only to the US, China is surely one of the best countries in terms of unicorns. With its massive funding resources and government support, not to…

  • 24 November
    13 Top 5 startups that have thrived through the toughest times

    Top 5 startups that have thrived through the toughest times

    You might be wondering about the startups that just got started in critical times but have established their businesses in a really good way.  However, there are still some startups that started during tough times but still succeeded. Must be…

  • 23 November
    a Top Virtual Reality Health Projects that will Innovate the Medical Field

    Top Virtual Reality Health Projects that will Innovate the Medical Field

    Amongst the domains where virtual reality is being applied, one of them is in the healthcare sector. In fact, healthcare has benefited from virtual reality the most as of yet. There are a lot of health projects that are being…

  • 10 November
    Top 5 Google facts you didn't know

    Top 5 Google facts you didn't know

    Google is the most used site everyday in the world. We all know what it does but it is a company with crazy ambitions. However, people don't really know the history of Google? From a different name to unusual company…

  • 8 November
    Top 5 interesting Australian startups of 2020

    Top 5 most interesting Australian startups of 2020

    Australia may be far away but it surely offers a lot of opportinities. Even if the pandemic is stealing the spotlight to many events, let us not forget that innovation keeps on running. In fact, many Australian startups come to…

  • 2 November
    Top 5 startups in the US

    Top 5 startups in USA that strived

    Nowadays it feels like the developing world and the eastern part of the globe has stolen the spotlight to the US. However, we should not forget that the land of opportunity has such a name for a reason. Here we…

  • Oct- 2020 -
    30 October
    Top 5 things you didn't know about Space X

    Top 5 things you didn't know about Space X

    You might have heard of Space X, and if not brace yourself. Based in California, Space X is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportazion services company. Elon Musk founded it in 2002 with the goal of reducing space transportation…

  • 29 October
    Top 5 inventions of 2020

    Top 5 inventions in 2020

    This year may have not started in the best way, but this does not mean it's all bad news. While everyone was keeping an eye out on Covid, new products came to light without getting too much attention. Here we…

  • 18 October
    b Top 10 most powerful people in business in Australia

    Top 10 most powerful people in business in Australia

    This is the read that would inspire you! Our leaders inspire us; the people doing better than we push our minds to its limit and motivates it to do more; this read is all about it.  We will tell you about…

  • 17 October
    ma Top 4 innovations of China that will change the world

    Top 4 innovations of China that will change the world

    You already knew this was coming. China has been a superpower country for several decades, and there is a reason behind it, the first reason is the advancements done in the tech and AI world. The government, people, and how they…

  • 14 October
    1 2 7 ways small businesses can have strong cybersecurity

    7 ways small businesses can have strong cybersecurity

    Want to know more about cyber security? Then dig in! Large corporations and organizations are very active when it comes to virtually handling their business, and they have a proper team dedicated to it; well, why wouldn't they take such measures?…

  • 13 October
    3 1 6 top unicorns of 2020 you need to know

    6 top unicorns of 2020 you need to know

    Hold your chairs because you are about to be amazed! I have one word for unicorn companies which is "crazy". What are these companies? Any firm which is valued more than $1 billion is regarded as a unicorn company.  But…

  • 12 October
    1 1 5 ways top enterprises in the world are using websites for communication

    5 ways top enterprises in the world are using websites for communication

    Need your website to converse with the world? Let us tell you how. Is it crucial for you to converse with your potential customer face to face, or are there other ways to forward your point to them? Well, this…

  • 11 October
    3 5 ways pandemic has innovated the ways of doing business

    5 ways pandemic has innovated the ways of doing business

    For the better or worse? Better of course! The epidemic is for sure something to mourn on; it took so much from our world, but we can't deny that it did somehow change the way business was carried out and the…

  • 10 October
    2 5 AI projects that will be the future of industry

    5 AI projects that will be the future of industry

    How the virtual world is merging with the real one? We all have thought about having robots moving around us, flying cars, metallic buildings, precisely some kind of movie scene portraying an advanced future. But have you ever wondered what…

  • 8 October
    Top 5 Chinese companies you should know about

    Top 5 Chinese companies you should know about

    Nowadays everyone’s topic list for 2019 is covid-19, but the world's biggest economy didn’t stop because of the pandemic. China continued to produce interesting startups. Here we present the top 5 most interesting companies from China. A Starbuck’s rival? Starbucks…

  • 6 October
    Top 5 startups of Japan

    Top 5 startups in Japan

    Japan has a reputaion to be a tech and innovation giant. In this case we will take a look at the most interesting startups in Japan ranging from new air vehicles for a new concept of skymobility, to AI-based app…

  • 2 October


    Although the world froze after the covid outbreak, there are always some companies which make of bad times their opportunities. Here we present the top 5 companies which thrived during covid lockdown times. United Kingdom's top 5s Our first pick…

  • Sep- 2020 -
    28 September


    Southeast Asia holds a tiny "goldmine" for the future of tech. Vietnam, the 44th largest economy worldwide, with its key features like plenty of sea routes and low corporate tax rate policies, has a perfect ecosystem for new tech startups.…

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