Italy might not have big initial capitals but it certainly doesn’t lack ideas. Here we present 5 interesting startups born in the beautiful peninsula in 2020, ranging from mobility sharing to financial apps. Let's see that top 5 of Italian Startups!
Let's have a look at the top Italian startups!
Our first pick is “Fast Investment Planner”. This company stems from the idea of several known financial advisers, such as Davide Marciano. It allows client to register by paying a montly subscription, instead of occasional commissions, in order to get once a month a report of market analysis by the team of FIP. By receiving reports, videos and infographics private clients find themeselves in a suitable environment for private investments without dealing with extra costs of consultations.
The next startup couldn’t be other than made in Italy. "DeQuo" helps italians deal with the long and boring times when it comes to bureaucracy. It is a platform which enables its users to ask a lawyer for advice on legal issues. The first collaboration is free, the second is very cheap and no boundaries are born after the first service. Definitely an interesting company with already more than 20.000 consultations provided to clients.
Not everybody goes online...
Following with our list, we find “b-more", the startup running against globalization, as it helps merchants to increase and retain customers thanks to a very special rewards system. Every time one makes a purchase at local affiliated businesses, they earn points by using the tax code. These points then, over time, allow customers to access discounts and free services or products. For small businesses it is an easy way to increase turnover as well as create personalized offers and discounts for "loyal" customers.
On our 4th spot there is “MiMoto”, it is great promise of scooter sharing in Italy. Unlike the leader of mobility sharing in Italy “Enjoy” which is backed by the oil company Eni. Mimoto has humble origins and its service is already appreciated in cities like Milan, Turin and Genova and predictions see it coming in other Italian cities very soon.
Dulcis in fundo we have “Casavo”. The first instant buyer in Italy which makes clients the promise of buying their house as soon as possible. It is very simple to use: one can request an estimation of their house value, after a meeting the company promises to buy the house within 30 days, what more to say? A dream for people in a hurry for cash...
Here it is our top 5 Italian startups list, we hope to see more very soon.
Until next time and thanks for paying attention!