
  • Jun- 2024 -
    21 June
    NewsA guy carrying a solar panel

    Sustainable tech solutions driving the new wave of eco-friendly startups

    Discover how sustainable tech solutions power the next generation of eco-friendly startups, offering environmental and business advantages.

  • Mar- 2023 -
    15 March
    NewsAvoiding Failure in Starting a Tech Startups

    Avoiding Failure in Starting a Tech Startups

    Starting a tech startup is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires a great deal of planning and execution. From validating your idea, to assembling a team, securing funding, and scaling the business, there are many critical steps that must…

  • Dec- 2021 -
    3 December
    NewsTop 5 Swedish startups

    Top 5 Swedish startups to follow in 2021

    Sweden is more than just IKEA and Spotify. The scandinavian country has indeed a lot to offer in terms of innovation and investment. In fact, despite having a considerably high tax rate, Sweden has seen a massive increase in the…

  • Nov- 2021 -
    19 November
    NewsBlockchain technology: what do you know about it?

    Blockchain technology: what do you know about it?

    Blockchain technology is changing our world as we speak. It is basically a very very very accurate database. Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it nearly impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. It…

  • Dec- 2020 -
    1 December
    News1 5 Chinese startups that will revolutionize the tech industry

    5 Chinese startups that will revolutionize the tech industry

    China has some of the leading tech startups which are completely overtaking the world by their efficiency and better technology. It clearly shows that China has many revolutionary startups that are used worldwide. In this article, we are going to…

  • Nov- 2020 -
    30 November
    Top5 Chinese startups on the rise

    5 Chinese unicorns on the rise

    Ever wondered which country is the one with the highest number of unicorns? Second only to the US, China is surely one of the best countries in terms of unicorns. With its massive funding resources and government support, not to…

  • 26 November

    Everything you should know about “Gousto” the tech unicorn of the UK

    Companies today are growing in revenue twice as fast as companies or start-ups that started back in the 2000s or 1990s. There are various reasons for that, but for now, that is irrelevant. We shall explore another company like this,…

  • 8 November
    TopTop 5 interesting Australian startups of 2020

    Top 5 most interesting Australian startups of 2020

    Australia may be far away but it surely offers a lot of opportinities. Even if the pandemic is stealing the spotlight to many events, let us not forget that innovation keeps on running. In fact, many Australian startups come to…

  • 2 November
    TopTop 5 startups in the US

    Top 5 startups in USA that strived

    Nowadays it feels like the developing world and the eastern part of the globe has stolen the spotlight to the US. However, we should not forget that the land of opportunity has such a name for a reason. Here we…

  • Oct- 2020 -
    29 October
    TopTop 5 inventions of 2020

    Top 5 inventions in 2020

    This year may have not started in the best way, but this does not mean it’s all bad news. While everyone was keeping an eye out on Covid, new products came to light without getting too much attention. Here we…

  • 8 October
    TopTop 5 Chinese companies you should know about

    Top 5 Chinese companies you should know about

    Nowadays everyone’s topic list for 2019 is covid-19, but the world’s biggest economy didn’t stop because of the pandemic. China continued to produce interesting startups. Here we present the top 5 most interesting companies from China. A Starbuck’s rival? Starbucks…

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