
  • Jun- 2024 -
    21 June
    NewsA guy carrying a solar panel

    Sustainable tech solutions driving the new wave of eco-friendly startups

    Discover how sustainable tech solutions power the next generation of eco-friendly startups, offering environmental and business advantages.

  • 20 June
    NewsFueling the Future: Innatera attracts a cumulative $21M in oversubscribed Series A funding amidst strong market interest

    AI transformative in everyday life : Driving Innovation – Innatera’s Vision 2024

    Explore how Innatera drives AI innovation in everyday life, redefining the future of neuromorphic processors with vision and innovation.

  • Jan- 2024 -
    25 January
    South KoreaMirroroid Inc interview CES 2024

    Smart mirrors unveiled: Mirroroid’s AI-Driven hairstyling revolution – CES 2024 Seoul Pavilion

    Explore Mirroroid's Mirart AI Mirror, transforming the beauty salon experience with tech innovation at CES 2024.

  • Jan- 2022 -
    9 January
    NewsCES trends

    CES Trends 2022

    CES trends will decide hoe the tech world responds to larger global trends and what will rule the consumers choice.

  • Oct- 2021 -
    10 October
    TopTop 5 cool augmented reality apps

    Top 5 cool augmented reality applications

    We have already seen how augmented reality (AR) can impact our lives in the near future. However, a few of us know that it is not a future thing. Some AR applications are already up and running in the world.…

  • 2 October
    DiscoverAugmented reality: how it will change our lives.

    Augmented reality: how it will change our lives.

    Many people feel that augmented reality will be merely a videogame. Actually, despite it would be a dream for game lovers, it is much more than that. Its applications will range from education, military training, advertising and why not entertaining.…

  • Sep- 2021 -
    26 September
    NewsThe cosmos is for sale

    The Billionaire space race for 2022

    Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic and Jeff Bezos and his Blue Origin officially opened the era of space travel. Although Musk made the first revelations to the public on space tourism, his two billionaires “colleagues” took action first. The…

  • 25 September
    News92103209 Why are we so afraid of the future?

    Why are we so afraid of the future?

    After we overcome the fear for the virus we are going to have to face an old enemy, the fear of the future. Climate change, economic depression, civil unrest, war, you name it. These are all possible answers to the…

  • May- 2021 -
    10 May
    News"Shit" even billionaires have to deal with

    Shit even billionaires have to deal with – The future of toilets

    When you think about billionaires investing money you would tipically think of a man or a woman in their fancy dress, in their fancy limo, smiling at their (fancy) computers trying to find a way to increase their wealth. Well…

  • 9 May
    Newsbytedance tikrok TikTok names new CEO: Singaporean Shou Zi Chew

    TikTok names new CEO: Singaporean Shou Zi Chew

    TikTok said on Friday, April 30 that the company has appointed Singaporean Shou Zi Chew as the new chief executive officer of the popular video-sharing platform. TikTok is believed to have about 1 billion users worldwide including more than 100…

  • Mar- 2021 -
    5 March
    Newshuman as a battery A new device that uses a human battery to work

    A new device that uses a human battery to work

    Who would’ve thought that the future of wearable technology will make the human body as a battery for its working! How does the technology work? As per a report, wearable technology has been developed by researchers at the University of…

  • Jan- 2021 -
    23 January
    NewsTop 5 African startups of 2020

    Top 5 African startups of 2020

    2020 has been a tough year for everyone, even the world’s best economies hardly survived. Given this fact, you would assume developing countries like some African nationas paid the highest price. However, earlier this year, #Africa4Future held its annual call…

  • Dec- 2020 -
    12 December
    NewsAeronext: the future infrastructure is here?

    Aeronext: the future infrastructure is here?

    As it often happens leading nations lead the on the path of change. This is the case of Japanese company Aeronext. Would you have ever imagined to make economic utility out of skies? Well the Japanese sure did, and I…

  • 11 December
    DiscoverAbay-CHR: the African health passport

    Abay-CHR: the African health passport that won WebSummit

    The world is becoming more connected every single day as we speak, and so is everything with it. The healthcare sector has a crucial role in this picture. With people going to and from everywhere in the world, nowadays a…

  • 10 December
    NewsHyperloop: Musk strikes again

    Hyperloop: Musk strikes again

    I am sorry to insist on Elon Musk but he really deserves some credit. What if I told you that, because of him, we could be travelling at about 1000km per hour by train. Yeah you got that right, Musk…

  • Nov- 2020 -
    10 November
    TopTop 5 Google facts you didn't know

    Top 5 Google facts you didn’t know

    Google is the most used site everyday in the world. We all know what it does but it is a company with crazy ambitions. However, people don’t really know the history of Google? From a different name to unusual company…

  • 9 November
    NewsArtificial Intelligence: what do you know about it?

    Artificial Intelligence: what do you know about it?

    We are flooded everyday with news and updates about artificial intelligence, or AI, and that may lead us to think that we already mastered it. The hollywood movies depict us on the brink of war with our metal-made inventions but…

  • Oct- 2020 -
    30 October
    TopTop 5 things you didn't know about Space X

    Top 5 things you didn’t know about Space X

    You might have heard of Space X, and if not brace yourself. Based in California, Space X is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportazion services company. Elon Musk founded it in 2002 with the goal of reducing space transportation…

  • 7 October
    NewsYou hold the world's smallest chip everyday

    You hold the world’s smallest chip everyday

    You might not realize, but you hold probably the world’s smallest chip in your hands everyday! Wondering what that is? It’s called mu-chip and it is in your money. This technology is not very recent, but it’s rather unknown. Here…

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