
  • Jan- 2023 -
    10 January
    Newsboring business

    Boring Business Ideas for New Successful Startups 2023

    There are many businesses around the world that may look unconventional and boring that people hesitate to do or invest in, but they can actually generate a great amount of profit which is enough to make anyone rich. With low…

  • Dec- 2022 -
    21 December
    DiscoverA person looking at a board with business plans symbolizing reasons why your startup business fails.

    5 Proven Reasons Your Startup Business Fails

    Becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business is one of the most complex and challenging things. Many businesses fail without ever making an impact on the market. However, when we look at start-ups, it is evident that these represent the…

  • Sep- 2021 -
    27 September
    TopTop 5 websites to learn coding

    Top 5 websites to learn coding in 2021

    We are well aware that the job market will change dramatically due to the internet. This means that people will have to adapt. This does not only imply having a digital portfolio, but possessing a whole set of skills which…

  • 7 September
    NewsStonehenge Technology Labs

    Stonehenge Technology Labs bags $2M

    Stonehenge Technology Labs collects data. And it wants consumer packaged goods companies to gain meaningful use from it. The company announced $2 million in seed funding for its STOPWATCH commerce enhancement software. The round was led by Irish Angels, with participation…

  • Mar- 2021 -
    3 March
    Newsfood vending business Which smart vending business is next to get acquired?

    Which smart vending business is next to get acquired?

    As business models and market trends changing rapidly and coming into existence as a result of uncertain times and new accepted normal, many such new businesses have come into the spot light and garnered much attention and appreciation making them…

  • Oct- 2020 -
    18 October
    Topb Top 10 most powerful people in business in Australia

    Top 10 most powerful people in business in Australia

    This is the read that would inspire you! Our leaders inspire us; the people doing better than we push our minds to its limit and motivates it to do more; this read is all about it.  We will tell you about…

  • 15 October
    Newsc Are businesses returning to pre-Covid state?

    Are businesses returning to pre-Covid state?

    When will you be able to resume your everyday life? Let us be real here, we all miss the fresh breeze and summer sun on our faces, meeting friends and partying, staying close to loved ones and relatives; it's kind of…

  • 14 October
    Top1 2 7 ways small businesses can have strong cybersecurity

    7 ways small businesses can have strong cybersecurity

    Want to know more about cyber security? Then dig in! Large corporations and organizations are very active when it comes to virtually handling their business, and they have a proper team dedicated to it; well, why wouldn't they take such measures?…

  • 11 October
    Top3 5 ways pandemic has innovated the ways of doing business

    5 ways pandemic has innovated the ways of doing business

    For the better or worse? Better of course! The epidemic is for sure something to mourn on; it took so much from our world, but we can't deny that it did somehow change the way business was carried out and the…

  • Sep- 2020 -
    22 September
    DiscoverThings you may not know about TESLA

    TESLA: what you may not know about the electric car company

    Everybody knows Tesla, billionare Elon Musk's electric car company which promises to launch the world of automobile in the future!However, there are a few things you may be surprised to find out. More than you think Tesla is not only…

  • 2 September

    Interview | Henri Tillinac: "The importance of e-reputation for a company"

    Because of the coronavirus-induced health crisis, many companies have seen their customer base drastically shrink . Faced with this economic upheaval in the world of work, time is running out. Establishments are required to successfully exit from confinement to hope to continue their activity. In…

  • Aug- 2020 -
    30 August

    Design Support Center in Pangyo stimulates semiconductor chip development

    Now, you are one step closer to making your own semiconductor chip. Anyone who wants to design a semiconductor chip can really do it at this center that opens 24 hours, 365 days a year. It is happening at the…

  • 27 August

    Xinova Asia leads successful open innovation

    A quick word about Xinova Asia. Global innovation network composed of experts from business, academia, and institutions. Joint development of thousands of innovative technologies and businesses with Xinova network. Xinova Asia is a company that helps solve problems in the…

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